Alvarado S.T., Andela N., Silva T.S.F., & Archibald S. 2020. Global thresholds of transition between moisture-limited and fuel-limited fire regimes in tropical savannas and grasslands, Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29: 331 – 344.
Alves D.B. & Alvarado S.T. 2019. Variação espaço-temporal da ocorrência do fogo nos biomas brasileiros com base na análise de produtos de sensoriamento remoto. Geografia, V. 44, N. 2, 321-345.
Veldman J.W., Aleman J.C., Alvarado S.T., Anderson T.M., Archibald S, Bond W.J., Boutton T.W., Buchmann N., Buisson E., Canadell J.G., Dechoum M., Diaz-Toribio M.H., Durigan G., Ewel J.J., Fernandes G.W., Fidelis A., Fleischman F., Good S.P., Griffith D.M., Hermann J.M., Hoffmann W.A., Le Stradic S., Lehmann C.E.R., Mahy G., Nerlekar A.N., Nippert J.B., Noss R.F., Osborne C.P., Overbeck G.E., Parr C.L., Pausas J.G., Pennington R.T., Perring M.P., Putz F.E., Ratnam J., Sankaran M., Schmidt I.B., Schmitt C.B., Silveira F.A.O., Staver A.C., Stevens N., Still C., Strömberg C.A.E., Temperton V.M., Varner J.M., & Zaloumis N.P. 2019. Comment on “The global tree restoration potential”. Science, Vol. 366, Issue 6463, eaay7976, DOI: 10.1126/science.aay7976
Buisson E., Le Stradic S., Silveira F.A.O., Durigan G., Overbeck G.E., Fidelis A., Fernandes G.W., Bond W.J., Hermann J.M., Mahy G., Alvarado S.T., Zaloumis N.P., & Veldman J.W. 2019. Resilience and restoration of tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and grassy woodlands. Biological Reviews. 94 (2): 590-609
​​Alvarado, S. T., Silva, T. S. F., & Archibald, S. 2018. Management impacts on fire occurrence: A comparison of fire regimes of African and South American tropical savannas in different protected areas. Journal of Environmental Management. 218: 79–87.
Fidelis A., Alvarado S.T., Barradas A.C., & Pivello V.R. 2018. The Year 2017: Megafires and Management in the Cerrado. Fire. 2018, 1, 49,
Alvarado S.T., Fornazari T., Costola A., Morellato L.P.C., Silva T.S.F. 2017. Drivers of fire occurrence in a mountainous Brazilian cerrado savanna: Tracking long-term fire regimes using remote sensing. Ecological Indicators. 78: 270-281.
Buisson E., Alvarado S.T., Le Stradic S., Morellato L.P.C. 2017. Plant phenological research enhances ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology. 28 (2): 164-171.
Morellato L.P.C., Alberton B., Alvarado S.T., Borges B.D., Buisson E., Camargo M.G.G., Cancian L.F., Carstensen D.W, Escobar D.F., Leite P.T.P., Mendoza I., Rocha N.M.W.B., Silva T.S.F., Soares N.C., Staggemeier V.G., Streher A.S., Vargas B.C., Peres C.A. 2016. Linking plant phenology to conservation biology. Biological Conservation. 195: 60–72.
Alvarado S.T., Buisson E, Carrière S.M., Rabarison H, Rajeriarison C, Andrianjafy M, Randriatsivery F.M., Rasoafaranaivo M.H., Raharimampionona J., Lowry II P.P., Birkinshaw C. 2015. Achieving sustainable conservation in Madagascar: The case of the newly established Ibity Mountain Protected Area. Tropical Conservation Science. 8 (2): 367-395.
Alvarado S.T., Buisson E., Rabarison H., Rajeriarison C., Birkinshaw C., Lowry II P.P. 2015. Effects of heat on the germination of sclerophyllous forest species in the highlands of Madagascar. Austral Ecology. 40: 601-610.
Fornazari T., Silva T.S.F, Alvarado S.T., Morellato L.P.C. 2015. Variáveis limitantes sobre a detecção de queimadas em imagens Landsat no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó (MG). XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto (SBSR) 18, 4131-4138
Alvarado S.T., Buisson E., Rabarison H., Rajeriarison C., Birkinshaw C., Lowry II P.P., Morellato L.P.C. 2014. Fire and the reproductive phenology of woody species in sclerophyllous forests at Ibity Mountain, Madagascar. South African Journal of Botany. 94: 79-87.
Alvarado S.T., Buisson E., Rabarison H., Rajeriarison C., Birkinshaw C. & Lowry II P.P. 2014. Comparison of plant communities on two massifs in Madagascar (Ibity and Itremo) with contrasted conservation history and status. Plant Ecology and Diversity. 7: 497-508.
Buisson E & Alvarado S.T. 2014. Sciences en action pour des écosystèmes sous pression. In: Forget P.M., Hossaert-McKey M. & Poncy O. (eds). Écologie tropicale: De l'ombre à la lumière. Edition Cherche Midi & CNRS.
Alvarado S.T., Buisson E., Rabarison H., Birkinshaw C., Lowry II P.P. 2012. Ibity Moutain: background and perspectives for its ecological restoration. Ecological Restoration. 30: 12-15.
Alvarado S.T., Buisson E., Rabarison H., Rajeriarison C., Birkinshaw C., Lowry II P.P. 2010. Reintroduction and reinforcement of endangered woody species populations in Tapia woodlands, Mount Ibity, Madagascar: protocol and preliminary results. SER-Europe Conference Proceedings.